CBS News | How To Train Baby To Fall Asleep | December 27, 2004?11:31:55
How To Train Baby To Fall Asleep
NEW YORK, Dec. 27, 2004
("CBS) Parents of infants know all too well how frustrating it can be when their babies can't drift off to sleep without wailing. Multiply the impact by the number of times infants naturally wake up during the night, and you wind up with parents whose nerves need a break. But you can actually train your newborn to go to sleep, and Parents magazine Senior Editor Diane Debrovner offered tips on how. ..."
[This is one of those horrifying articles that recommends: - letting babies as young as 3 months old cry for 30 -40 minutes, and warns that if you give in at that time, it "will only teach him to continue crying." If the infant vomits after crying so much, you're told to clean up the mess, kiss the child, and keep trying the "sleep training." The only breastfeeding mention is to note that breastfed babies wake up more during the night because they are hungrier. What's alarming is the article is written by a senior editor of "Parent" magazine. - JC]
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