NGO with grit defeats Heinz, Nestle, Amul … -
Saturday, 09 October , 2004, 10:23
"The Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) looks like a humdrum NGO working out of a cramped office in dusty North Delhi. It employs a handful of people and is headed by an earnest doctor. In May this year BPNI won a major victory in its long battle against baby food manufacturers. It got the Union Government to amend the Infant Milk Substitutes Act of 1993 and ban advertisements and promotions of baby food for children below the age of two. The ban went into effect from November 1, 2003. This was a defining moment for BPNI and yet the news barely found mention. Over the years, the breastfeeding cause has lost its lustre. The media has buried it. Feminists shrug indifferently. The jhollawallas look bored...."