Everyone loves a Carnival. This year Trevor MacDonald is hosting the World Milksharing Week 2012 Blog Carnival over on his "
Milk Junkies" site. Do you have a blog in you about milksharing? Connect with Trevor, write a blog, he'll host it on his site, you'll host it on yours, you'll get to put up this Carnival Participants badge on your site, there will be links to other blog posts and it'll be one big happy....
Biomedical Ethics and Peer-to-Peer Milksharing - Human Milk News, Karleen Gribble
A Story of Peace and Healing - Normal, like breathing, Diana Cassar-Uhl
Milksharing and La Leche League - Feed the Baby LLC, Laura Spitzfaden
Supporting Families in Milksharing as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant - Nourish Breastfeeding Support, Amber Rhotan McCann
"I wish I'd Known About Milksharing When..." - Complete Wellness Concept, Dinnae Galloway
Waiting for Milk Banks: A Matter of Life or Death - Human Milk News, Jodine Chase
Powerful Images: Supplementing with Donor Milk - DoubleThink, Paa.la, Paala Anderson Secor
What is World Milksharing Week - Dinnae Galloway