Moms Who Nurse Toddlers Say It's Just Natural
Published Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Moms Who Nurse Toddlers Say It's Just Natural
By Rebecca Mahoney
"Two-and-a-half-year-old Emma Brink goes to preschool, plays with her kittens, spends afternoons with her Grandma -- and enjoys breast-feeding with her mom every day.
For Emma and her mother, Nancy Brink Moses, nursing is a natural, comfortable way to be together.
'It's a wonderful thing,' said the 28-year-old Lakeland mom. 'She is one of my favorite people, and I appreciate this special opportunity to be with her in this very special, very intimate way.'..." [This article is accompanied by a sweet photo of Lewis nursing her two-year-old as her four-year-old looks on. - JC]