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For several months the email subscription system, powered by Bloglet, was broken. This means you haven't been getting regular updates for news on this web site.
I finally figured out to fix it this morning and you should begin receiving posts again. If you have decided you do not want to receive these emails, just head to the Bloglet web site http://www.bloglet.com and unsubscribe. If you can't remember how to do this, drop me a line at jchase@mediaworkswest.com and I'll remove you manually.
Welcome back,
-- Jodine
Friday, October 17, 2003
"Breast-feeding may not be guarantee against obesity - 'No clear impact': One study tracks 2,250 boys from birth to militaryAllan Woods, National Post, Friday, October 17, 2003
"Two new studies have cast doubt on the long-held belief that breast-feeding can help prevent obesity in children.. Molly Bascom-Keller, 31, breast-feeds her one-year-old son, Carson. Brazilian and British researchers say breast-feeding cannot stop children from getting fat."
"Two new studies have cast doubt on the long-held belief that breast-feeding can help prevent obesity in children.. Molly Bascom-Keller, 31, breast-feeds her one-year-old son, Carson. Brazilian and British researchers say breast-feeding cannot stop children from getting fat."
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