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The Mother's Miracle Milk™ Stroll is casual walk around the park or down the mall to show our excitement and solidarity for this North American fundraising and awareness campaign for the human milk cause!
It's not a march, or a walk for distance. Each location will decide for how long or how far they choose to stroll.
Whether it's delivered at the breast, by pumping or by donor, human milk IS Miracle Milk™. It is a complex "living" elixir of hundreds of ingredients that have the power to save lives, prevent disease, and promote and protect our health from birth - and for a lifetime. We don't need more science, we need more solutions to help more moms get more Miracle Milk™ to more of our fragile babies!
Proceeds from this year's Miracle Milk Strolls in Canada support Best for Babes and this year's Partner, the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada's Baby Friendly Initiative. US partners: LLLUSA and NEC Society. Sponsored by Limerick.