Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Moms Can be Fired for Pumping Breastmilk at Work

It's hard for me to imagine how a decision to deny a mother the right to pump breastmilk isn't sex discrimination... especially in a country where women are told to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of life...and then given such abysmal maternity leave provisions.

Moms Can be Fired for Pumping Breastmilk at Work  -- lawyers.com blog, Feb 16, 2012  
Your employer may have the right to prevent you from what’s doing what’s best for your baby’s health.  A Texas judge has ruled that federal laws allowing employees to attend to family medical needs and prohibiting sex-based discrimination don’t apply to breastfeeding women who want to pump milk during the work day... 
Court rulings, like the one out of Texas, have led lactation activists to push for a national Breastfeeding Promotion Act, which would protect workers like Venters. But that bill, first drafted a decade ago, “has sadly died in committee in every legislative session,” Marcus said....
link to entire article is here.

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