Monday, November 28, 2011

Medela course: Improving NICU Outcomes with Human Milk Evidence for Improving Practice - Medela

Medela offers courses like the one below, which provides these credits for health care professionals:
  • Dietitian - 4.0 CPE Credits
  • Nursing - 4.0 Contact Hours
  • ACNM - 0.4 CEUs

Improving NICU Outcomes with Human Milk Evidence for Improving Practice - Medela: Improving NICU Outcomes with Human Milk
Evidence for Improving Practice
Symphony Preemie ™ Select Education Package
View Upcoming Programs
It is proven that human milk helps infants to grow and overcome serious morbidities.

Medela is committed to supporting, promoting and providing the latest breastfeeding research through comprehensive education. Our goal is to increase breastfeeding initiation and duration which research clearly demonstrates will improve outcomes. Medela has partnered with Paula Meier, RN, DNSc, FAAN, to develop education programs that focus on the latest research and evidence using research based technology. This half day program is comprised of three talks detailing the scientific evidence for the use of human milk for vulnerable infants and mechanisms to ensure its delivery.

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