Wednesday, October 13, 2004

UPDATED: 5:15 pm EDT October 13, 2004
" PITTSBURGH -- Anyone that's a mother knows the benefits of breastfeeding. Studies show it can strengthen a child's immune system and help in their development. Now, new research led by a local pediatrician, shows it can reduce the risk of obesity in some children as well. Dr. Debra Bogen, a pediatrician at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, was one of the lead researchers in the study, which looked at 13,000 children. Bogen said, 'What we found in our study is that women need to breastfeed for at least four months without any formula, or six months with some formula in order to see a benefit of reduced obesity in their children at age 4.' Among those who were breastfed for at least four months without formula or at least six months with formula, the risk of obesity was reduced 30-45 percent..."

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