Thursday, June 17, 2004

Rickets still a threat in Canada, doctors say
The Globe and Mail
"Despite widespread belief that rickets has been eradicated, the Vitamin D deficiency that causes softening of bones is an existing threat to Canadian infants, doctors warn. Although the vitamin is easily accessible, 79 cases of nutritional rickets were reported between July, 2002, and June, 2004, mainly among infants and toddlers, according to a two-year study released by the Canadian Paediatric Society on Thursday...."
{La Leche League's position on Vitamin D supplements, published shortly after a similar AAP recommendation: "Sunlight Deficiency, "Vitamin D," and Breastfeeding "Schaumburg, IL (April 17, 2003). Exclusively breastfed healthy, full-term infants from birth to six months who have adequate exposure to sunlight are not at risk for developing vitamin D deficiency or rickets. Rickets occurs because of a deficiency in sunlight exposure, not because of a deficiency in human milk...." And KellyMom has a good summary of the debate over Vitamin D supplementation, including a link to Cynthia Good Mojab's position paper on the matter. - JC]

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