Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Breastfeeding Helps Health Even Later in Life
"Study Links Breastfeeding to Lower Stress, Anxiety Levels in Adulthood
By Charlene Laino
WebMD Medical Reference 
Reviewed By Brunilda  Nazario, MD
on Tuesday, May 04, 2004

May 4, 2004 (New York City) -- There's more good news about breastfeeding. A new study shows that as little as one month of breastfeeding in infancy results in less physical and psychological problems when these infants become adults. Breastfeeding is linked to many postitive effects on infant health, such as increased size and growth, and it is possible that some of these benefits impact on later psychological well-being, says Iracema Leroi, MD, an honorary lecturer in the department of psychiatry at the University of Manchester in the U.K. Its positive impacts on bonding and cognitive development also probably play major roles in reducing stress later in life, she explains. The study was presented here at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. In the study , those who were breastfed for at least one month reported less stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems in adulthood than those who were bottle-fed or breastfed for less than a month. 'Males in particular suffered lower stress later in life,' says Leroi. She tells WebMD that the study is particularly important because of 'its very rich database.'..."

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