Monday, November 25, 2002

icWales - Campaign to stop male moans over breastfeeds "
Nov 26 2002

Madeleine Brindley Health Correspondent Madeleine.Brindley@Wme.Co.Uk, The Western Mail
SAGGING breasts, lack of sex drive and the potential embarrassment of breastfeeding in public places.

But these aren't the worries facing new mothers who must decide between the breast and the bottle - these are the concerns of their partners.

Men's attitudes towards their partners' breastfeeding is thought to be one of the reasons behind the high proportion of women who still opt for formula ahead of the breast, despite the proven health benefits of breastfeeding." [Article goes on to note women whose partners are supportive of breastfeeding are 33x more likely to do it! - jc]

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