saStar Telegram | 04/20/2004 | Donated mothers' milk helps sick babies thrive: "Posted on Tue, Apr. 20, 2004
By Jan Jarvis
Star-Telegram Staff Writer
"When William Daley was born prematurely on March 8, he weighed only 2 pounds 6 ounces.
He turned 6 weeks old Monday, and little William is getting bigger by the day, thanks in part to breast milk donated by a stranger because his mother could not produce it.'We're absolutely thrilled and blessed to have this option for our son,' said his mother, Carol Daley of Arlington. 'We're very thankful that women are willing to do this....The Fort Worth Milk Bank -- a consortium involving Cook Children's Medical Center, Harris Methodist Fort Worth hospital and Baylor All Saints Medical Center-- will be located in the Child Study Center. The bank, which is in the final stages of becoming a nonprofit organization, has collection sites in Bedford and Plano.'" [A second milk bank in Texas, yay! - JC]
Monday, April 26, 2004
No evidence that breastfeeding makes maternal HIV worse
"26 April 2004
Michael Carter
"Breastfeeding is not detrimental to the health of HIV-positive mothers, according to a study published in the April 30th edition of AIDS. Investigators in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, conducted a prospective cohort study involving 698 HIV-positive mothers between 1995 and 1997. The study was undertaken because earlier studies had produced conflicting evidence about the risk of maternal HIV disease progression after breastfeeding..."
"26 April 2004
Michael Carter
"Breastfeeding is not detrimental to the health of HIV-positive mothers, according to a study published in the April 30th edition of AIDS. Investigators in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, conducted a prospective cohort study involving 698 HIV-positive mothers between 1995 and 1997. The study was undertaken because earlier studies had produced conflicting evidence about the risk of maternal HIV disease progression after breastfeeding..."
Children's Health - Breast milk proteins may cause colic - Medical Posting
[Headlines in medical reports covering this research are unfortunate - see example below. - JC]
"Breast milk proteins may cause colic
Medical Posting
April 24, 2004
Mom's diet that excludes cow's milk, eggs and other foods reduces crying
Colic in breast-fed newborns may happen because the baby is sensitive to proteins in the mother's diet that are excreted in her breast milk...
[Headlines in medical reports covering this research are unfortunate - see example below. - JC]
"Breast milk proteins may cause colic
Medical Posting
April 24, 2004
Mom's diet that excludes cow's milk, eggs and other foods reduces crying
Colic in breast-fed newborns may happen because the baby is sensitive to proteins in the mother's diet that are excreted in her breast milk...